Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You can never say I love you too much...

I tend to say I Love You to my friends a lot. When I say goodbye on the phone. When I am leaving the house. Before we go to bed. When they randomly say something that makes complete sense. Hand hearts, sign language, etc...

As young adults our roommates and friends become our family when we aren't living with our parents. We fold each others laundry, give advice, stay up WAY too late, and sometimes read each others minds. I can think of a million things I am grateful for in my life; one being my amazing friends!

It's hard to believe that the girls and I probably have too much fun doing absolutely nothing. We could be sitting in my room staring at the wall and still find something ridiculous to giggle about. They are the best ally for any boy I'm dating. Know exactly what I'm thinking before I'm thinking it, and don't let me get away with anything! 

 I always tell them I think we were friends in the pre-existence. How could we not be? We are MFEO and always will be. I look forward to see where life takes each of us and for the knowledge that we will be friends for eternity!


Who wouldn't have fun playing with us?!
Just Sayin...

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